Tuesday 3 December 2013

Pulling Off a Retro Look: What to Do

We all like to stand out from the crowd at times, and dressing in a way that doesn’t conform to the majority is a great way to that. The retro look is a fantastic choice in this respect, because it looks good, it’s casual and easy going, it’s easy to pull off and it’s cool. Below, we’re going to explain to you how to achieve the retro look.

What is Retro?
Retro just refers to things in the past, so effectively, a retro look is any type of clothing that people wore in times gone by. However, in fashion when people talk of the retro look, they usually mean the 1970s, and for the purpose of this article, that’s the era of clothing that we’ll be talking about.

Does that Mean You Have to Wear Old Clothes?
No, you don’t have to wear somebody else’s hand-me-downs; there are many brands, such as Adidas Originals, that sell retro lines of clothing. However, if you’re not adverse to wearing second-hand clothes, then you can find some fantastic examples of retro clothes at the online auctions. Alternatively, you can mix it by wearing your Adidas Originals clothing with somebody’s old clothes. All you need to make sure is that you wear clothes that belong to the era. As well as researching retro clothes, try searching for vintage clothing, too. This will give you a lot of variety in terms of choice.

Where Do I Get Inspiration?
The majority of you reading this article are likely to be under 35. This means that you can barely remember the 80s, let alone the 70s. How are you expected to know what sort of clothes look good, if you weren’t even around when they were popular? You’re not…at least not without a little bit of research. There are plenty of resources online where you can find out about the retro look, and you’ll even be able to see examples of people that dress that way, so you can get some inspiration.

Places to look include:
·         Books and magazines from the 70s
·         Online resources that showcase 70s clothing
·         Your parents photo albums (your parents may even have some clothes hidden away)

When you’re doing your research, you should remember that you’re looking at the complete look, and not just the clothes. You need the haircut, the makeup and the various frills, if you want to pull this look off with even a modicum of style.

You don’t actually have to follow the fashion strictly to a tee. Instead, you can improvise. You can wear modern clothes, but in a retro style. There are many modern designs that have similar qualities to the retro look. You need to be looking for the same cuts, shapes and colours. Improvisation is fantastic because you create your own look from other influences, and so the look is unique, and this is something that other people will admire greatly.

We hope that you have enjoyed our article, and that you now have a better understanding of how to pull off the retro look. If you would like to browse a collection of Adidas Originals, then you can do so now, at Loofes-clothing.com

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Where to Buy Cheap Branded Clothing Online

We all like to look our best, and for many of use, this means buying branded clothing. With brand names, we know what we’re buying, we know what to expect in terms of quality, and we know what to expect in terms of style. However, as you know, branded clothing can be expensive…unless you know where to look. The internet is the best place to buy real branded clothing at the cheapest price. Below, we’re going to explain how and where to find the best deals.

1.       Work out which brand you want to wear. Clearly, everyone has different tastes, and the brands that you like aren’t necessarily going to be the brands that someone else likes. For instance, people who like smart but casual styles will love Diesel clothing, whereas those that like the English country look would love Laura Ashley, or some such brand. The brand will effect where you need to look. For instance, with Diesel clothing you’ll have a lot of choice to shop with a variety of retailers, but with LA, you can only buy direct from the brand. 

2.       Set your budget. You need to know how much you’re willing to spend on whatever item you need. This will help you to reduce the number of retailers whose website you browse. Some you will visit see that their prices are too much, and just leave. You will make much better use of your time if you set a budget.

3.       Look out for sales. Most online retailers have a ‘sales’ tab, where they sell all the items that they have on sale. You can find some fantastic bargains in this area – personally, I’ve bought a pair of £200 boots for £50 by doing this. Certain retailers will tell you about their upcoming sales. It is a good idea to keep a track of these sales, because if you get in their first you find the best bargains. However, getting in at the end of the sales is great too, because you can find items at rock bottom prices, the only problem is that it’s hard to find common sizes, but if you’re a less common dress or shoe size, you’ll find some incredible bargains.

4.       If you’re strapped for cash, but you really want to wear branded clothing, such as Diesel clothing, then the online auctions are a fantastic place to buy. You will find all your favourite brands at low prices. However, they are second hand, so other people will have worn them.

5.       Check out the websites that buy up old wholesale lots of branded clothing. These sites always offer fantastic clothing at the lowest price. They will often be last season’s clothes, but most people won’t notice that, only the super-fashionista pay that close attention to fashion!

If you are interested buying branded clothing, including Diesel clothing, then come and check-out the fantastic collection on sale at Loofes-clothing.com

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Pulling Off a Retro Look: What to Do

We all like to stand out from the crowd at times, and dressing in a way that doesn’t conform to the majority is a great way to that. The retro look is a fantastic choice in this respect, because it looks good, it’s casual and easy going, it’s easy to pull off and it’s cool. Below, we’re going to explain to you how to achieve the retro look.

What is Retro?
Retro just refers to things in the past, so effectively, a retro look is any type of clothing that people wore in times gone by. However, in fashion when people talk of the retro look, they usually mean the 1970s, and for the purpose of this article, that’s the era of clothing that we’ll be talking about.

Does that Mean You Have to Wear Old Clothes?

No, you don’t have to wear somebody else’s hand-me-downs; there are many brands, such as Adidas Originals, that sell retro lines of clothing. However, if you’re not adverse to wearing second-hand clothes, then you can find some fantastic examples of retro clothes at the online auctions. Alternatively, you can mix it by wearing your Adidas Originals clothing with somebody’s old clothes. All you need to make sure is that you wear clothes that belong to the era. As well as researching retro clothes, try searching for vintage clothing, too. This will give you a lot of variety in terms of choice. 
Where Do I Get Inspiration?
The majority of you reading this article are likely to be under 35. This means that you can barely remember the 80s, let alone the 70s. How are you expected to know what sort of clothes look good, if you weren’t even around when they were popular? You’re not…at least not without a little bit of research. There are plenty of resources online where you can find out about the retro look, and you’ll even be able to see examples of people that dress that way, so you can get some inspiration.

Places to look include:
·         Books and magazines from the 70s
·         Online resources that showcase 70s clothing
·         Your parents photo albums (your parents may even have some clothes hidden away)

When you’re doing your research, you should remember that you’re looking at the complete look, and not just the clothes. You need the haircut, the makeup and the various frills, if you want to pull this look off with even a modicum of style.

You don’t actually have to follow the fashion strictly to a tee. Instead, you can improvise. You can wear modern clothes, but in a retro style. There are many modern designs that have similar qualities to the retro look. You need to be looking for the same cuts, shapes and colours. Improvisation is fantastic because you create your own look from other influences, and so the look is unique, and this is something that other people will admire greatly.

We hope that you have enjoyed our article, and that you now have a better understanding of how to pull off the retro look. If you would like to browse a collection of Adidas Originals, then you can do so now, at Loofes-clothing.com.

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